Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday June 22, 2011

As an old Southern Baptist black woman would say, "Victory in Jesus! Praise the Lawd Hallerrrrrluyar!!" I'm shouting it from the rooftops. VICTORY! I got home yesterday and immediately started searching the net on how to rectify the situation in my classroom. After doing some reading and venting to a couple of my loved ones, I got some great advice. Today I put those techniques into place and was able to get those kids back where they needed to be, behavior-wise.

Today at the gym, I was leaving and nearly tripped over the largest jock strap I've ever seen. It was dripping with sweat. They needed their own zipcode they were so large. The funniest part is thinking about him getting home and realizing his 5X jockey shorts are probably lying in the floor somewhere for people to see.

I was running in between two skinny girls today on the treadmill. Of course I felt like that fat kid from Solute Your Shorts on Nickelodeon running during the camp "athletics" day. They were all graceful and glistening with sweat, while I was panting with "stank face".

I made Josh chicken alfredo tonight, but I didn't want to count all the calories so I tried something new for myself. I boiled some whole wheat penne and added some of the chicken I made for Josh's meal. I added some marinara, a tablespoon of cream cheese and 1 wedge of Laughing Cows Swiss cheese to a pot, then tossed it in with the pasta. Wasn't too bad.

1/2 cinnamon raisin bagel with strawberry cream cheese
Bucket of coffee

Turkey sandwich

Cottage cheese with peaches
Reduced fat peanut butter on celery

Whole wheat pasta and chicken with marinara concoction
Roasted zucchini and asparagus

Reese's peanut butter cup

25 minutes running
20 minutes walking
30 minutes racquetball

June 21, 2011

I had the worst day of teaching in the record books so far. Yes, this is dramatic, seeing I've only been teaching for a few weeks. It really was trying though. My kids were running all over me, talking back, not following the rules, etc. I will accept the responsibility that I didn't follow through on consequences to stop the behavior, but I will also say that in this summer school setting, my options for consequences are limited. And no, I can't do what most of your instincts would tell you to do.

1/2 cinnamon raisin bagel with strawberry cream cheese
Bucket of coffee

Tuna salad with saltines

Tater tots from Sonic
1/2 apple
Taco salad

Granola bar

I upped my running speed this week. I'm feeling it and was pretty sore. That must mean it's doing some good.
20 minutes running
20 minutes walking
10 minutes elliptical

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday June 20, 2011

There was something in the water today. My kids were all over the place......literally.

I did lesson plans all weekend, but that part is almost over for at least another month. Josh and I are leaving on our Disney cruise next weekend, so I have to plan for my substitute for that week. I think I have way too much planned, but from what most teachers will tell you...........over-plan, over-plan, over-plan.

I'm finding that my philosophies and viewpoints about teaching are much different than some of the people I'm working with, which is fine. I'm also realizing that just being quiet and doing a lot of listening is the best advice I ever gave myself. The opinion slinging that goes on is exhausting to listen to, let alone throwing mine the into the ring and then having to justify it.

I'm not making much for dinner this week because I don't want leftovers. We'll be scraping stuff together to make do.

We've picked about 6 zucchini from our garden, which is great. Dad brought Aunt Lucille to see me Friday, and they brought me a sack full of more zucchini, yellow squash, new potatoes, and fresh blueberries. In all that, it's sad that Josh will only eat the potatoes. *le sigh

Since I sporadically took some food pics this weekend, I'll throw you up a couple. But first, here are all my gifted veggies and fruit.

Saturday Dinner:
Sunday Dinner:

Piece of toast on wheat bread with sugar free jelly and spray butter
Turkey sandwich
Cottage cheese with peaches

Granola bar
1/2 apple
Carrots with French onion dip

Sausage pizza
Sugar free chocolate pudding

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday June 16, 2011

I learned a couple of valuable lessons today in the classroom.

1. Be confident in my abilities and willingness to learn and grow with enlightenment and perspective, no matter what adversity and catty drama someone tries to throw at me.

2. A forced smile to combat embarrassment and hurt feelings is painful, but ultimately the best response to most situations concerning peers.

On a happy note though, I have this thing where I tell the kids I'm going to, "Twist their ears off," if they get something wrong. Of course I'm kidding and of course they know this. We have a great time with it. Today while I was doing a practice test on the vocabulary words with the white boards, one of the students was thinking awfully hard about the answer. He looked up at me and said, "You're about to twist my ear off, aren't you?" I said, "Yep, and it's going to go nicely on my sandwich."

I've been really proud of their efforts, and I hope I'm making some small impact in their lives during the short time I have them.

IT'S MY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

T-Minus 9 Days until we leave for our Disney cruise!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I picked two more HUGE zucchinis today from our garden. I decided since they were so round and large at the bottom (like this lady I saw at the gym today) that I'd try a "zucchini pizza" I found on Pinterest.

1/4 cinnamon raisin bagel with strawberry cream cheese
Bucket of coffee
Thermos of coffee
Another thermos of coffee

Ham and turkey sandwich

Fuji apple

Italian chicken
Zucchini pizzas

Granola bar

25 minutes running
10 minutes walking
15 minutes elliptical

Wednesday June 15, 2011I

It was a pretty great day. Today I did a 45 minute Technology in the Classroom presentation six different times. The ATOMS2xp program did a group rotation thingy, so I was on repeat. It always surprises me how absolutely closed off to using technology people can be. I understand that being receptive plays a large part in learning something new. For some reason, teachers who aren't techno savvy put up a wall. I actually had someone throw a temper tantrum about not being able to understand, "I was going too fast", etc. A grown woman huffed and puffed, crossed her arms and pouted. I'm glad I have my mother's patience.

I came home and got a CRAZY second wind around 6:00. It was nice. I decided to effectively END the leftover night trend and cooked chicken burritos. Yes, after eating the last massive batch of chicken burritos for days and days, I finally got a taste for them again.

I didn't work out yesterday. I didn't get home until around 3:30 and felt like my body needed a break. Aunt Lucille actually said, "Well, you'd better go tomorrow." Thanks, Aunt Lucille. I'd been on my feet all day, making circle after circle around a table. I actually soaked my feet in warm water spiked with a squirt or two of baby oil. It was relaxing.

1/2 cinnamon raisin bagel with strawberry cream cheese
Bucket of coffee
Thermos of coffee

1/2 piece of country ham
2 bites of potatoes
(Lunch was provided, I ate in a hurry, I forgot to take a picture, it was gross.)

Celery with peanut butter
Cottage cheese with peaches

Chicken burrito


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another day, another dollar. Ahhhhh, I've wanted to say that for so long. I've always wanted to say I could Riverdance as well, but that will have to time spent watching YouTube tutorials for another time.

Working out was just as hard today. My feet were burning and tingling really badly, which I'm attributing to needing new running shoes. I walk on the outsides of my feet, which wears the souls down rather quickly.

Right now I get through teaching at around 12:00, so I take my lunch to school. Maybe when the regular year starts, I'll get more creative with what I'm eating everyday. But for now........this is what you've got to look forward to. It might become another "Guess what I'm eating again for lunch" situation.

1/2 bagel with strawberry cream cheese
Bucket of coffee

Turkey sandwich
Sugar free pudding

1/2 apple

Pan seared zucchini (salt and pepper)
Chicken spaghetti

Since I've had white pasta twice in two nights, I'm skipping dessert.

25 minutes running
10 minutes walking
15 minutes elliptical

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday June 13, 2011

I initiated a ticket system with the kids today, which was quite a hit. If someone is doing exceptionally well, putting out a great amount of effort, creative problem solving, thinking for themselves, paying attention, etc, then I add a ticket to the bucket. If someone is not following the rules, not paying attention, etc, I take a ticket out of the bucket. If they reach 25 tickets, I'm bringing cookies to class the following day. This might seem sort of juvenile for 6th graders, but they are sooooooooooooooo on board this train.

After not working out on Saturday and Sunday, running today was kind of stressful on my knees, calves and hip. I toughed it out though and just took 2 Aleve when I got home.

We went to the Wood family reunion on Saturday and we've got a ton of leftovers. So we're eating leftovers around here until they're gone. YAY!!! No cooking for a few days. I was even too lazy to make myself some vegetables tonight because I was getting some substitute stuff together all afternoon for my sub on Wednesday. I'll do better tomorrow night.

1/2 bagel with strawberry cream cheese
Bucket of coffee

Turkey sandwich (Low calorie bread, reduced fat mayo, turkey, mustard)
Sugar free pudding
Granola bar

Chicken spaghetti
Chicken thigh

25 minutes running
10 minutes walking
15 minutes elliptical

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday June 9, 2011

Today was my Friday. I have that nice euphoric feeling right after you have worked out really hard, then sat down on a comfy couch. You're tired as heck, but you still can feel all the little endorphins and tingly feelings running through your body from the experience. It was a pretty great week. I'm learning a lot about myself, behavior managing some pretty tough kids and realizing that I'm very glad I'll be teaching Science in the Fall and NOT Social Studies. I love history, but I'm not too fond of this Geography stuff. I'm trying to make it current and interesting, but it's been a challenge.

Mom and I went to the gym today. I was super proud of her, because she was able to walk a mile and a half. I wish she'd just move in with me already. :~)

Breakfast: (I got my bagels back!!!!!!)
1/2 cinnamon raisin bagel with strawberry cream cheese

Turkey sandwich (lettuce, reduced fat mayo, 2% cheese, mustard, turkey)
Sugar free pudding

1/2 Little Dooie's Barbecue sandwich
A few of mom's eggplant fries
A feww of Josh's waffle fries
And yes.........I FORGOT to take a picture. It's mom's fault though. She was supposed to remind me, lol. I used a few pictures from the internet.

20 minutes Running
10 minutes Walking
10 minutes Elliptical

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday June 8, 2011

I FORGOT to take a picture of my gosh darn sandwich and pudding again at lunch today. I guess while I'm at the school, I'm just in a warp of mental stupidness. And my breakfast routine was interrupted because I ran out of bagels. And guess what? I forgot to take a picture of that as well. I know..........lame.

Piece of toast with strawberry jelly
Bucket of coffee

Turkey sandwich (35 calorie per slice bread, reduced fat mayo, 2% cheese, mustard)
Sugar free pudding

That darn casserole is EVIL!!!!!!
Taco salad (lean beef, sour cream, lettuce, hot sauce, corn)

Orange Jell-O with Cool Whip

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday June 7, 2011

It was somewhat of a trying day, but it was survivable. I ended up swimming for my exercise today, which really hit the spot.

I've spent the last two hours working on lesson plans in the back while listening to Josh laugh hysterically at people's reactions to "One girl, one cup". Quite entertaining. If you haven't seen it, you're one of the lucky ones. It's worse the GOATSE.

Mom is coming to visit for a few days starting tomorrow. *SQUEAL* I'm so excited. We always have such a great time. She's going to go with me to the gym a couple times.

1/2 cinnamon roll with strawberry cream cheese
Bucket of coffee
Turkey sandwich (100 calorie flat bread, 2% cheese)
Sugar free pudding
***I forgot to take a stinking picture. I'll do better***

Beefy Cheesy Casserole (See, this is why I DON'T MAKE CASSEROLES)
Grilled pork chop kabobs
Boiled new potatoes (Spray butter)
1/2 apple